Results for ' Lopez Jr'

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  1. Introduction: Tsongkhapa in Global Context.Donald S. Lopez Jr - 2024 - In David Gray, Tsongkhapa: the legacy of Tibet's great philosopher-saint. New York: Wisdom Publications.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Michelle Twomey, G. Curtiss Smitch, Michael A. Oliker, Roy Silver, Edward B. Goellner, Thomas R. Lopez Jr, Richard J. Cooper, N. Ray Hiner & Addie J. Butler - 1979 - Educational Studies 9 (4):442-463.
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    Anthropological Perspectives in Psychiatric Nosology.Juan J. López-Ibor Jr & María-Inés López-Ibor - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):259-263.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anthropological Perspectives in Psychiatric NosologyJuan J. López-Ibor Jr. (bio) and María-Inés López-Ibor (bio)KeywordsDSM, etiology, Aristotelian causes, social dramasPsychiatry and clinical psychology, as we learn in this paper, are disciplines in need of an ontological perspective. Very few branches of contemporary learning share this characteristic. Probably only theoretical physic and theology—as the rest have long ago given up trying to define and understand the essence of their object, for example, (...)
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  4. Civilizacion tecnologica y liberacion in Teologia desde los pobres.Lopez de la Osa Gonzalez Jr - 1987 - Ciencia Tomista 114 (3):459-476.
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    Creativity Belongs to the Person, not to Disease.Juan J. López-Ibor Jr & María-Inés López-Ibor - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):277-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Creativity Belongs to the Person, not to DiseaseJuan J. López-Ibor Jr. (bio) and María-Inés López-Ibor (bio)Keywordscreativity, patho-biography, Saint Teresa, visionsIn the paper, “From the Visions of Saint Teresa of Jesus to the Voices of Schizophrenia,” Cangas, Sass, and Pérez-Álvarez (2008) take an original approach to patho-biography that is very welcome.The temptation to designate historical individuals or characters of fiction as suffering from mental disease has always produced disagreeable feelings (...)
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    Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sutra.Daniel Arnold & Donald S. Lopez Jr - 1998 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 18:251.
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  7. Crisis de valores y cultura del conocimiento: tres propuestas morales.Lopez de la Osa Jr - 1998 - Estudios Filosóficos 47 (136):431-472.
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  8. Fundamentalismo, lenguaje y religión.Lopez de la Osa Jr - 1994 - Estudios Filosóficos 43 (124):451-481.
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  9. JRS: Faith doing Justice Discernment From and With Refugees.Elias Lopez Perez & Jacques Haers - 2012 - Gregorianum 93 (3):549-572.
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    Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet, by Donal S. Lopez Jr. and Thupten Jinpa.Lucia Galli - 2020 - Buddhist Studies Review 36 (2):285-288.
    Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet, by Donal S. Lopez Jr. and Thupten Jinpa. Harvard University Press, 2017. 320 pp. Hb and e-book. £23.95. ISBN- 13: 9780674659704.
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    Lopez, Jr., Donald S., From Stone to Flesh: A Short History of the Buddha. [REVIEW]Regis Martin - 2014 - Review of Metaphysics 67 (3):644-645.
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    The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism ed. by Robert E. Buswell Jr. and Donald S. Lopez Jr.Steven Heine - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (2):617-620.
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    In Search of the Christian Buddha: How an Asian Sage Became a Medieval Saint by Donald S. Lopez Jr. and Peggy McCracken.Kristin Beise Kiblinger - 2017 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 37:277-281.
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    Review of: Donald S. Lopez, Jr. and Steven C. Rockefeller, eds., The Christ and the Bodhisattva. [REVIEW]Joseph O'leary - 1987 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 14 (4):335-337.
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    Donald S. Lopez Jr. Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed. xiv + 264 pp., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2008. $25. [REVIEW]Jill Lazenby - 2010 - Isis 101 (3):632-633.
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    The Lotus Sutra: A Biography, by Donald S. Lopez, Jr.Christopher V. Jones - 2018 - Buddhist Studies Review 35 (1-2):305-307.
    The Lotus Sutra: A Biography, by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Princeton University Press, 2016. 272pp. Hb. £24.95. ISBN-13: 9780691152202. E-book. £18.99. ISBN: 9781400883349.
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    Buddhism and modernity: In the Margin of Donald S. Lopez jr.'s "buddhism and science.Bruno Lo Turco - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (133):323-343.
    ABSTRACT The present article aims at setting the issue of the relationship between Buddhism and science in a historical and philosophical frame wider than that one taken into account by the international scholarship so far. The historical point of view allows us to conclude that the narrative that connects Buddhism with science is not based on features intrinsic to Buddhist thought. In fact, such narrative prospered thanks to the development of a dialectic, typical of the 18th and 19th centuries, between (...)
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  18. Reviews the bookBuddhist Hermeneutics,'edited by Donald S. Lopez Jr.Etienne Lamotte - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (2):258-262.
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  19. Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism. Edited by Donald S. Lopez, Jr.B. Moore-Gilbert - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (1):125-125.
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    Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit's Quest For the Soul of Tibet by Donald S. Lopez Jr. and Thupten Jinpa.Thomas Cattoi - 2018 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 38 (1):397-401.
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    Buddhism & Science: A Guide for the Perplexed, by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. University of Chicago Press, 2008. 278 pp., hb. $25.00/£17.50, ISBN-13: 780226493121; pb. $18.00/£11.50, ISBN-13: 9780226493190 (2010); E-book ISBN-13: 9780226493244. [REVIEW]Erik J. Hammerstrom - 2011 - Buddhist Studies Review 27 (2):249-251.
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    The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Biography. By Donald S. Lopez, Jr. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Samuel - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (1):113-114.
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    Review of The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism, edited by Robert E. Buswell Jr and Donald S. Lopez Jr: Princeton University Press, 2013, ISBN: 9780691157863, Hb, 1304 pp. [REVIEW]Leesa S. Davis - 2015 - Sophia 54 (2):239-241.
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    Review of'Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism'. Edited by DS Lopez Jr. 1995. [REVIEW]Peter Flügel - 1997 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 1 (3).
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  25. Review of Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism by Donald S. Lopez, Jr.; and of Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia by Christopher S. Queen and Sallie B. King. [REVIEW]Jeffrey Timm - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (4):588-595.
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    Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet: by Donald S. Lopez Jr. and Thupten Jinpa, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2017, 302 pp., $41.00 (hardcover), ISBN-13: 978-0674659704. [REVIEW]James Harry Morris - 2022 - Contemporary Buddhism 23 (1-2):184-187.
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  27. Awareness and the Substructure of Knowledge.Paul Silva Jr - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book provides a systematic exploration of the relation between knowledge and factual awareness, arguing that knowledge is but one species of factual awareness and that we can understand the possession of objective reasons, the normativity of knowledge, and the nature of knowledge in terms of factual awareness. In this way, the state of factual awareness is, structurally and substantively, a more basic type of state than knowledge. If correct, this undermines a number of ways in which knowledge has been (...)
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    Metas blandas y metas duras en el enfoque de Desarrollo Humano.Mauricio Uribe López - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 23.
    El paradigma de desarrollo humano ha tenido amplia aceptación. Sin embargo ha sido el enfoque blando -restringido a la puesta en marcha de políticas sociales que contribuyen a la expansión de ciertas capacidades básicas- que el enfoque duro -que implica reformas redistributivas- el que más se ha tenido en cuenta. Aunque la equidad en la distribución de los medios (ingreso y riqueza) no es la medida más apropiada de la justicia económica ya que ésta no garantiza la equidad en el (...)
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  29. Jean-baptiste Chassignet And Montaigne.Roy Leake Jr - 1961 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 23 (2):282-295.
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    Controlled Model Exploration.Gabriel G. Infante-Lopez, Carlos Areces & Maarten de Rijke - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 205-220.
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    Is it Time to Give Up the Concept of Collective Trauma? On the Need for New (Old) Lexicons to Frame Social Suffering.Miguel Alirangues López - 2022 - Quaderns de Filosofia 9 (1):121.
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    Se precisan cambios, y no llegan sólos.Alfonso Antequera López - 2019 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):251-256.
    Este trabajo ha sido seleccionado de entre los participantes en la VI Olimpiada de Filosofía que organiza FICUM en la modalidad de secundaria y bachillerato, para promocionar la filosofía entre los jóvenes.
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    Del caos de la maravilla al orden de la razón. Los sistemas de la naturaleza y los límites de la razón en el siglo XVIII.Susana Gómez López - 1999 - Arbor 162 (637):113-133.
    Partiendo de una comparación entre los primeros museos de objetos naturales surgidos en el siglo XVI y los gabinetes de historia natural del siglo XVIII, el presente trabajo se concentra en la transformación producida en aquel periodo en los modos de «ordenar» y «clasificar» la naturaleza. El gusto por lo exótico y maravilloso que caracterizó a las colecciones e historias, naturales del Renacimiento y del Barroco fue perdiendo fuerza a medida que aumentaba el interés por ordenar la naturaleza según «sistemas». (...)
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  34. Elliot D. Cohen, What Would Aristotle Do? Self Control through the Power of Reason Reviewed by.Albert D. Spalding Jr - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25 (2):96-98.
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  35. Camus on a Disquietude That Cannot Be Distilled!Robert Trundle Jr - 2002 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 31 (2).
    Camus's apparent flirtation with Catholicism is rooted in his notion of absurdity. Paradoxically, an absurdity of existence both unites us to the world and alienates us from it. Whereas the alienation was avoided by a traditional philosophy that improperly imposed reason on reality, ultimate reality was construed by religion as a God who passes understanding. And though limitations on understanding are embodied by such things as a paradox of Christ who is both man and not man, Camus's profound insights on (...)
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    Reseñas.José Luis Falguera López, Elvira Burgos Díaz, Pedro Lomba & Daniel Gómez Jiménez-Landi - 2002 - Endoxa 1 (16):365.
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  37. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 72: 1986. Lucas Jr - 1987
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    Technical communities and political choice.Duncan Macrae Jr - 1976 - Minerva 14 (2):169-190.
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  39. Knowing Edmund Gettier.Robert C. Sleigh Jr - 1988 - In D. F. Austin, Philosophical Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Rate of response during operant discrimination.Moncrieff H. Smith Jr & William J. Hoy - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (4):259.
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    Getting Expression‐Based Semantics Right: Its Proper Objects of Evaluation and Limits.David C. Spewak Jr - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (3):393-410.
    Often those attempting to resolve the answering machine paradox appeal to Kaplan's claim that the objects of semantic evaluation are expression-types evaluated with respect to indices, instead of utterances, as part of their solution. This article argues that Dylan Dodd and Paula Sweeney exemplify the kind of mistakes theorists make in applying such expression-based semantic theories in that they conflate what is asserted with semantic content, and they take their approach to utterance interpretation as having semantic significance. In light of (...)
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    Localizing Strategies: Regional Traditions of Ethnographic Writing. Richard Fardon.George Stocking Jr - 1991 - Isis 82 (4):715-716.
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    Spirituality again.William H. Swatos Jr - 2012 - In Giuseppe Giordan & Enzo Pace, Mapping religion and spirituality in a postsecular world. Boston: Brill.
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    Response speed following failure in a two-choice game as a function of reward, punishment, and response pattern.Robert S. Wyer Jr & John M. Love - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (4):571.
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  45. A Process Approach to Pluralism.".John B. Cobb Jr - 2008 - In Andrew Eshleman, Readings in the Philosophy of Religion: East Meets West. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  46. Donagan's Kant.Hill Thomas E. Jr - 1994 - Ethics 104.
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    The Correspondence of Marcello MalpighiHoward B. Adelmann.Robert Frank Jr - 1978 - Isis 69 (2):300-301.
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    Algumas reflexões sobre o filisteu da formação (Bildungsphilister) e o espírito livre em nossos estabelecimentos de ensino.Wilson Antonio Frezzatti Jr - 2022 - Cadernos Nietzsche 43 (3):91-104.
    The purpose of this paper is, in the context of the distinction between Nietzsche's notions of cultural philistine (Bildungsphilister) and free spirit (Freigeist), to discuss which of these two types we, professors at Brazilian higher education institutions, are more similar. The philistine is the opposite of the genuine man of culture and the artist. The free spirit, on the other hand, is the exception, he is one who is disconnected from the values and habits in force, he doesn't cling to (...)
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    Del ajedrez a la cortesia: Dworkin y la teorîa contemporánea del derecho.Ronaldo Porto Macedo Jr - 2015 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ad-Hoc.
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    Chaucer's Mediaeval World Outside of Great Britain.Francis P. Magoun Jr - 1955 - Mediaeval Studies 17 (1):117-142.
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